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Pascal Brinkmann
"I believe, that being an artist means to be authentic, a decisive attribute, which makes up our days in a positive as well as in a negative sense. Furthermore, I am of the opinion, that art is not bound to facts and can let its imagination run wild, in contrast to science.
Imagination probably provides the most important and integral part for solving many of humanities problems. Artists dream up their own world. When we follow the the fantastic facts of art and its tracks, we have the possibility to reinvent reality. I, for my part, try to expose reality in the light it deserves.
In this sense, painting for me means identity, individuality, integrity, equality, diversity, revolt, resistance, fight, contradictions, anger, knowledge, asking questions, appreciation and sense. Accordingly, a painting is always also an imprint of the personality of the painter in the moment of its occurrence- and at the same time always a burial of the same. Moreover, painting gives me the possibility to touch a person emotionally, something, that is quite difficult for me even without the curfew. In my work I try this especially by being concerned with the simple things around me. And these simply are the humans, their behaviorism, the pictures they surround themselves with. Dealing with art history also belongs to it.
A central motive in my pictures is the observation, that people, despite their efforts, are unable, for many different reasons, to make a connection with each other. To reinforce this impression I found a visual vocabulary, that depicts the environments in my pictures grotesquely colorful and the people, at the same time, appear in a petrified grey.
At heart, I am concerned with capturing and uncovering something of my attitude towards life and at the same time some kind of Zeitgeist or societal state."
Curriculum vitae
*1987 in Mettingen, DE
lives and works in Hamburg, DE
2018 Bachelor of Fine Arts at the University of Fine Arts, Hamburg, DE
2016 semester abroad at the University of Fine Arts Warschau, PL
2005-2013 apprenticeship as a cook, folowed by empoyment in various gastronomoc establishments in Germany, Austria and the Netherlands, DE, AT, NL
Awards, Grants, Projects
2019 Master scholarship from the Ditze-Foundation
2017 Sponsorship award from the art foundation Christa und Nikolaus Schües, Hamburg, DE
Art foundation Christa und Nikolaus Schües
Solo and Two-Person Shows (selection)
2020 | “Ausstieg aus der Spaßgesellschaft“, LaDöns, Hamburg, DE |
2019 | “Ihr Gesprächspartner Antwortet nich“, Raum für Kunst Fett 6, Hamburg, DE |
2017 | “Verschärft“ with Fabian Warnsing in collaboration with the exhibition collective “Schöne Schwestern“, Bochum, DE |
2016 | “Sex, Choclate and a little bit of Post-Velentine Stress“, in context of the exhibition series “Ich bin klein mein Herz ist rein“, Osnabrück, DE |
Group Shows (selection)
2020 | “erstbegehung / first ascent“, Emde Gallery, Mainz, DE |
2019 | “Grand Jus“, open studios Lerchenstraße, Hamburg, DE |
2018 | Hiscox Kunstförderpreis, Hamburg, DE “Constructed Realities“, Ok.Terrain, Hamburg, DE Starflash, Ok.Terrain, Hamburg, DE Egoversum, Galerie Speckstraße, Hamburg, DE “Hinter den Kulissen“, Max Ernst Scholarship, Brühl, DE |
2017 | “Wunsch und Wunderkammer“ (on the occasion of Prof. Diers' farewell), HfBK Hamburg, DE Art School Alliance @ work/Wien on the occasion of the 250th anniversary of the University of fine Arts (HfBK) Hamburg, DE Kunstförderpreis der Kunststiftung Christa und Nikolaus Schües, Hamburg, DE |
2016 | Annual exhibition of the Academy of Fine Arts Warsaw, Warschau, PL |
Selected Works
Pascal Brinkmann, Jähzorn/Lange Schatten, 2018, oil on canvas, 50x50cm
Pascal Brinkmann, Hund im Auto vergessen, 2019, mixed media on canvas, 70x100cm
Pascal Brinkmann, Hunde im Auto vergessen, 2019, acrylic and oil on canvas, 70x100cm
Pascal Brinkmann, Morbides Hobby, 2019, oil on canvas, 70x100cm
Pascal Brinkmann, Feiern, 2020, oil, acrylic and silicone on canvas, 30x30cm
Pascal Brinkmann, Der Turm stürzt ein, 2019, oil, acrylic and spray paint on canvas, 60x60cm
Pascal Brinkmann/Wolfgang Günther, Intimitätskoordination, 2019, oil and spray paint on canvas, 50x40cm
Pascal Brinkmann, Heute konnte ich mich nicht halten, 2020, oil, acrylic and acrylic spray on canvas, 24x30cm
Pascal Brinkmann, Jungbrunnen, 2020, oil on canvas, 60x60cm
Pascal Brinkmann, Landgang, 2021, oil and spray paint on canvas, 95x115cm
Pascal Brinkmann, Schlagermove, 2021, oil and acrylic on canvas, 60x80cm
Pascal Brinkmann, Schützenstück, 2018, oil and acrylic on canvas, 100x140cm
Pascal Brinkmann, Spiegelung, 2021, oil on canvas, 50x50cm
Pascal Brinkmann, Übersetzen, 2021, oil on canvas, 30x24cm
Pascal Brinkmann, Verkauf dem Esel die Peitsche, 2021, oil and acrylic on canvas, 125x160cm
Pascal Brinkmann, Gargoyle gedankenversunken, 2021, oil and spray paint on canvas, 60x60cm
Pascal Brinkmann, Der einsame Gargyl, 2021, oil on canvas, 24x30cm
Pascal Brinkmann, Sie starren, 2021, oil and spray paint on canvas, 60x60cm
Pascal Brinkmann, Untitled, 2021, drawing, fineliner on paper, 18x18cm
Pascal Brinkmann, Untitled, 2021, drawing, fineliner on paper, 18x18cm
Pascal Brinkmann, Untitled, 2021, drawing, fineliner on paper, 18x18cm
Pascal Brinkmann, Untitled, 2021, drawing, fineliner on paper, 18x18cm